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Phone: (541) 500-0900
(calls for loan requests only)
Internet Hours :
OPEN 24/7
8:30 am - 7:00 pm EST (Mon - Fri)
Closed Weekends & Holidays
We appreciate your trust and confidence in us.
We expect to earn it by connecting you with high quality, legitimate lending options.
We are not a lender but a service that connects lenders and consumers.
Contact your lender for any questions about any loan you may have. We cannot answer any questions about loans one of our lenders has provided. We do not have any information about any loan provided by any of our lenders. This information is strictly confidential and between you and your lender.
If your loan request was rejected we will not know the reason why, every lender has different lending criteria and reasons for rejecting an applicant vary from day-to-day and from lender to lender.
Due to this, if your loan request was rejected you may consider re-requesting 1-2 weeks later. Also, fewer lenders work on weekends so a loan request that was not funded on the weekend may be funded on a weekday. Consider re-requesting if your loan request was rejected on a weekend.
Your trusted team,
Cash in a Snap